Elections are the renewal of Democracy
For the betterment of people
Elections are the renewal process in a democracy this is to ensure Law, Order and Good Governance based on a set of Constitutional Principles. Despots and Dictators conduct elections to give legitimacy to their hold on power. These elections are fraudulent, based on intimidation, stuffing ballot boxes, killing opposition candidates, voter suppression and gerrymandering. In free and fair election, a separate, non-partisan agency must supervise party internal candidate election and general elections. In Canada a party candidate selection process is called a Nomination, while in the USA it is called a Primary. Our elections were to renew and perfect democracy. Today, our democratic governments are nothing more than Democratically elected and Renewable Dictatorships
Every Person Have their Own Concerns
Regardless of how many Canadians we consult, there will be as many issues to address. Each person's issues are independent for all others. The major issues are Immigration, Citizenship, Culture, Equality, Opportunity, Prosperity, Unity and Security. Designed to meet the ambitions of political parties, our immigration system has been a failure. We imported people who do not share our values, culture and Christian way of life. Instead of assimilation into our culture, their intent is to replace ours with the ones from which they away. Immigration policy puts on a path of Cultural Suicide.
Canada is not a real country
A Member of Parliament from Quebec once said Canada is not a real country. He was a member of the separatist party whose goal is to effect the breakup of Canada, separating Quebec into a new country. Was he really incorrect? Is Canada not a federation of Ten countries (provinces) in a federation of One Country? We have eleven sets of rules for Rail, Air and Water Transportation, Roads and Highways Transportation, Hunting, Building Codes and Construction, Healthcare, Financial Services, Environment etc. The areas of responsibility were clearly set out in Our Constitution in 1867. The ten premiers are really prime ministers of their own countries. The bureaucray is costing billions of tax dollars and producing very little in return. This heavy burden forces Canada to crawl to the Greatness that awaits our people.
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